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Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn mon





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn money respect(圖1)-速報App

In the hip-hop world, one could argue that the days of artists spending extensive hours in a posh recording studio, and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to work with an in-demand record producer are over.

Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn money respect(圖2)-速報App

In similar vein, beat makers no longer need to wait for an industry connection to submit their production to an artist. As is the case for many millennial entrepreneurs, music creators with savvy internet skills and decent social media chops have been able to connect, collaborate and cash-in on their art.

Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn money respect(圖3)-速報App

One company taking advantage of the music business’ digital existence is BeatStars. The Austin-based company, founded by Abe Batshon, exists as a digital marketplace for producers to license their works to artists across the world.

Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn money respect(圖4)-速報App

With over 450,000 registered users generating over $3 million through BeatStars’ e-commerce site in 2016 (Batshon expects to more than double that figure in 2017), beat makers no longer need to wait for quarterly royalty statements or leave their basement.

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Cosmos 3D: Beatstars make beats earn money respect(圖6)-速報App